

So I am going through and reading these three diaries. The three together tell one story from two viewpoints. I was told about the three, but I never actually sat down and really read them. To be honest I am in utter shock. Simply for the fact that I had no clue. It never once crossed my mind. Now I begin to question how I look at people. I used to think I knew people and how they would react to college life. I now wonder if college is just some place where everyone throws away their past and creates a new future. Where people become the persons they only wished they could be. So how many people are just living a false life in high school. How many people out there are just waiting for college so that they can become the person they always dreamed. Am I the only one content with their own life as is? Am I the only one who has made a point to always be the person I wanna be and not one who others want me to be. I can see why maybe in their cirumstance they would want to wait till college to do the 180...but still...its so completely out of the blue. If it happened to you...then who else could it happen to? In a way it makes me paranoid. It scares me to think that I really don't know anyone. The fact that someone can just become a new person in the blink of an eye scares me to death. That fact makes everything so completely unpredicatble. Anything could happen at any time to anyone. Whoah! Its stuff like this that makes me wanna move to Australia and set up my surf and turf shop.

Jason <><

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