
Pinky Swear

Working on the TOP is quite enjoyable. My organiztional skills are improving at light speed seeing as how these people want me to solve all the worlds issues on 5 or less hours of sleep and then turn in a couple forests worth of paperwork documenting it all. In the end I will be a much better person because of it all.

I learned a lot tonight and was reassured that while the outside picture may change, the inside will always stay the same. Its good to know that the difference between us then and now can only be measured in physical miles. When all else fails those physical miles can be lessened through the miracle of ...."snaaaail mail".

People are getting weirder everyday. For instance one of my staff compadres told me that she just got engaged. She is this really down to earth person who I thought I would consider a tad bit like myself. The only difference is that she is going to be a junior in college this fall. Of course now she is engaged so I am going to have to say she is nothing like me...because when I am a junior in college I will definitely not be engaged. And if I am, slap me up side the head and ask me what on earth I am doing! If ya love the kid then wait a year or two until you are out of college and then marry the guy. No point in making life any more complicated then it already is in college. I wish I could just sit down with these changed people and just have an honest open discussion where they could explain to me "WHY?!?!?" they made the choices they did.

I love my life with all my heart and so far would not change a single choice I have ever made. And that, my friends, is the honest to god truth.


12:59 a.m.
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