
Home for a night, day, and morning

Tonight I went and saw Finding Nemo with all those Kernodle girls. All of them but Mary (she had seen it earlier that afternoon). It was fun to come home and get to hang out with all of them. Now they are off to Florida though. Hopefully they won't be leaving just as I come home from break all summer. That would really stink. {sniff}

All week I have had a lot of alone time with just myself and nature. Its been really good for me. I've gotten the chance to think about alot of stuff thats really been nagging at me that I haven't really shared. I can't say I came to any earth shattering conclusions on what to do, but at least I am one step closer to figuring things out.

I am really curious as to what has been going on with everyone so far this summer. I wish I could hang out and stuff, but I am outta here Monday morning so I don't think I will get the chance. Please leave me dland notes or something. I wanna stay informed...otherwise I will have no clue whats going on when I get back. :)

Peace out and have an excellent summer. I truly miss you all!


P.S. I will always remember home because a little red lobster watches over me as I sleep. Yes, I took him to the Mountain. I really think he likes it! ;)

11:58 p.m.
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