
Is it still tonight?

Lets see its 2:15 in the morning and I am sitting in a fort that Ben, Weg, and I made. We plugged wegs laptop into his trinitron tv and then brough his computer upstairs next to it. We then made this big ol' fort over us and now we are playing computer games into the wee hours of the morning. We are such dorks!

Tonight (to some that would be known as yesterday) I saw X2. It wasn't the greatest movie of all time that I had ever seen, but it was good none the less. I just wish the damn dam hadn't taken 45 minutes to blow up. Did anyone else notice that every 5 minutes a new crack formed, yet it wasn't until 45 minutes later that the dam actually broke. So ya the movie was a bit hoakey at times.

So it looks like I get to have the pleasure of handing off the presidency to Rachel. Yaaaaaay!!

To all you geniouses taking the SAT II today the three of us at wegs wish you the best of luck. We also warn you not to use us as your phone a friend because we shall have gotten no sleep by 8 in the morning.

Have a good day/morning/whatever time you read this!!


2:16 a.m.
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