
Gotta go...Chow

I haven't had time to breathe all week. I think this may be the busiest week I have had all year. Every second of free time that I find I spend it getting all my mailing ready. I am sending out 185 letters to try and convince people to donate to my Mountain TOP fund. I have to raise $1,675 by May 16!! I am workin hard addressing, return addressing, stuffing, and stamping all 185 letters. Actually its like 370 letters because I am including a self addressed and stamped envelope inside each letter. So its basically double the work.

I realized the other day that for the first time in my life I will actually be doing something of importance. I mean seriously, everything I have done with my life up to this point has been for myself and never for others. For the first time now I will actually be dedicating my life to helping others. No school or anything to overshadow that. Ahhh, I really am looking forward to this summer!

I have to get off the computer so I can't type anymore...


10:01 p.m.
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