
You have to choose for yourself!

I was offered beer...I said no.

I was innocently listening to a was thrown and landed on me.

Beer, Beer, Beer...well at least the nudity was kept to a minimum.

College freaks me out. Its a good thing I know exactly what I will and will not do. Otherwise I would be in sooooooo much hot water. I would hate myself forever and ever. Thankfully though there is nothing to worry about. I am an innocent kid and I plan on staying one. No one can steer me in any other direction.

Tonight was good. I learned alot. Oh, and Jump Little Children only played like 7 songs. Cathedrals was one of them thank goodness!!!

Friends are so great cause you can talk about anything and its ok. No one looks at anyone funny or anything. Its just so relaxing when you can be yourself.

OMG on a side note...MY DAY WHILE THE SUN WAS OUT WAS AWESOME!!! I solved this really really hard mystery and even solved the phone dialing problem...go me!! Oh and we played softball. I really really didn't wanna leave, but I had already made other plans. Well anyway, Rachel and all her sisters rule! We should play softball more often...and next time you get a mystery call me, I am soooo coming over to help solve it! :) I love the Kernodles. They're just so incredibly cool!!!!! I'm gonna miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much when I go off to college. :(

Peace out, and don't do drugs!


12:06 a.m.
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