
sha sha

FFH RULES!!!!!!!! Found You is the greatest song ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO really it is!!!!!!!!!! It came on this morning on the way to school and it totally just started my day off on the right foot.

So today is one heck of a beautiful day. Everything is just so nice. I have some awesome tunes pumping out the computer speakers, all the windows are open, and life is totally stress free. Ok maybe not totally stress free, but just enough to where I don't feel weighted down.

Tonight Eric and I are going to hit the town. After dinner the two of us are gonna roll the windows down in the car and go cruising and shopping for random junk. I am loaded with a heap of gift cards and he is just plain loaded with cash so the two of us are on a mission to spend!! (In reality I bet ya the two of us come back with barely anything...its some genetic defect our dad passed on to us)

Everyone have the best of days and go make someone smile!!! Right now I tell ya...go call some one and have a good talk that you hadn't had in a while...and most of all go outside, its so dang nice out!!!!!!!!!!!!!


6:15 p.m.
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