

At this time tomorrow night prom will be in full swing. I wonder how I'll feel?

I will not be sick tomorrow. Overnight tonight I will magically get all my bouncy endless amounts of energy back and I will be at full health. You watch!

Why is it that I look forward to prom? Cause its one of THE LAST times everyone will be together. Seriously! All thats really left is graduation. Then its over. Its all over. I doubt all of us will ever be in the exact same spot at the exact same time. Rather than think about the negative however, I would prefer to just take in everyones personality and loving nature. I never wanna forget anyone and tomorrow I will make a point of getting everyone a slot in my memory. No one will be forgotten...I promise!

Today I watched everyone in band class before Box came out and made us sit down. Its amazing how some people make the same facial expressions over and over. Some people are so outgoing and never shutup and some people just have the prettiest smiles. The kind of smile that makes an impression on you the first time you see it. I love people. They are just so neato and interesting. They are always so random and fun. Yay.

I am trying to figure out as much as I can about everyone in this last month and a half. Its not really the personalities that I am trying to get to know better, but the quirks. Quirks are sooooo cool. Everyone has them, its just a matter of finding them.

"Let me hold you tight and never let you go for the clock will strike and I shall disappear into the night."

"...and it was in that instance that I felt infinite."

I think I am going to fail English...I don't wanna leave...


9:43 p.m.
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