

It has become so satisfying to click the Add Entry button and actually get to add an entry. Its like I have won the lottery. Well...a little lottery.

"My love cannot be measured by merely a rose." If no one has already claimed that as a quote then I claim it right now. Start coughing up the cash kids.

I am gonna have the biggest whopper of a bruise on my knee. I took this really great shot into the leg from some guys cleats. Dang skippy it hurt! Ahh well, only slightly broke the skin. Coach said no blood and to get my butt back out there. Heh...I had forgotten how rough soccer is :). See here is the problem. I am 6 ft. tall. Not too shabby. I am 140. Very shabby for my height! I am this super duper skinny kid with no muscles. Its a darn good thing I can run like the dickens. Now if I could just bump into a kid and not fall over. Maybe its genetic. I just wasn't meant to be strong. Like at all. Like I actually have negative strength. I dunno how that works...but I think I have it.

Ok enough about the negative strength that I magically posses...I have to go pick up my tux because of that I am going to stop figure out the logic cause I won't tell you...


8:42 p.m.
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