

Today I was supposed to referee and make some much needed dinero. Well, the team forgot to call me to tell me that the game was cancelled. I drove out to the rec center just to find myself all alone and not paid. That just stinks.

I then came home and picked Eric up and went to get a movie with him. We were going to get About A Boy, but they were out. So instead we got Master of Disuise. On the way home I stopped at Rachel's house. I felt really awkward and weird just showing up. Anyway, I had left some cd's there and so I picked them up and then went on to my house. Not without being attacked by Jody though. :) She must be the happiest most energetic dog ever! :)

Eric and I watched the movie. It sucked. Thats about all I have to say. I can't think of any other way to describe it.

We used our George Forman grill for the first time tonight (it was a christmas present). Mom cooked hamburgers on it. They were ok, nothing out of this world.

I have absolutly nothing nothing nothing to do tonight. I am once again home alone. Just me and the two dogs. Everyone is at another of eric's little soccer games.

Hey look! Its snowing!!


8:45 p.m.
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