

Alright buddies, its time to put a smile on your face and cheer up. Life is too short to feel bad about something or let what others think get to ya. So I had one day of lonely sadness and depression and its now time to climb out and be myself. Parents are coming back tomorrow and it is supposed to snow. Sounds to me like a day worth living for!

No one has the sound track for Aida. So much good music...what is one to do? Bah Ram You...Bah Ram You...Bah Ram You

Current Status: Jamming with Elton John

Amount of Money I have: None, I just spent it all to go to a play with my Calculus class. I think I am into this whole play thing. Maybe I do have a sophisticated side to me?! The play is next Wednesday and its called Proof. Its about the equation of love and the relationship of a father and daughter.

Random Fact: Did you know that Jason Ford only missed one question on the multiple choice section of his last Calculus Test! He ended up getting an 85 on the overall test...go him!!!! (Jason is still not very good at the Free Response hehehe :)

Peace out folks...


8:18 p.m.
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