

So check this out. About seven minutes after putting up my last entry I got a note. Wooooohooooo!! I love notes like no other. They just bring me so much joy. So I go to the notes page to see who its from and what they have to say...turns out its from smashley719. "Hmmmm" I think to myself. "Who on earth is this kid". Then I realized something...I have no clue who this kid is. (Yes, us non-gifted kids have to realize what we already know. Its one of the downsides of living a non-gifted life) Anyway, I then go into Mr. Detective mode. I was on a quest to find out the identity of Miss Smashley. hehehe Ya so it was fun for about 10 min and then I got bored because I was getting no where. So here is the bottom line. Smashley719...uhh who are you?

Today was totally awesome! I went to my interview for Mountain TOP. I think I set a record for most questions answered in a two hour period. I literally sat in a small little room in the middle of a run down part of Nashville for two hours answering questions. Talk about fun! Thankfully they were easy questions that I actually had a bit of fun answering. I was able to show them my absolutely never ending positive spin on life thanks to the two million ways they asked "So Jason...what kind of person do you think you are". I simply told them the same answer in about two million different ways :-). Now I have to wait until March to find out whether or not I got the job! (Fingers and Toes are crossed)

Ivy just fell asleep next to me and is snoring up a storm. She's really making it hard to concentrate. ;-)

Today I discovered that at the bottom of my profile was a link that told me who had my diary listed as a favorite. I went and read what everyone had to say about me which was super interesting. I was so glad that everyone had nice things to say...even the people that I don't know!

And that leads me to this paragraph. I never truly realized how many people out there are reading my diary. That is just so incredibly awesome!! You people like really really like me! Thats from a movie I think. I dunno, I can't remember...I have the attention span of gnat. I also hate sitting still and not doing anything. Did I mention that I sat in a car for three or four hours on Thursday only to go from school to a gas station to home. Bah

Have a fun and everlasting snowy day!! Oh, and go Titans!!!!!!


P.S. Here is the picture of the marvelous snowit that Rachel and I made. Actually I just rolled the snow into a giant ball and made the earmuffs. Yes, thats what those big things are on the side of its head. Don't forget a round of applause for Miss Smashley and her showing me a place to host the picture.

8:18 p.m.
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