
Snow Rules!!

These past two days have been AWESOME! Yesterday was a blast. I had fun and not once while building that snowit did I ever think about college or anything like that! Things are so so so so so so (I can't type so enough times!) so so much more fun when you aren't thinking about that college and leaving stuff!

Today, I had so much fun again. After lunch I watched this really cool movie that my mom got for Christmas. I can't remember its name but it was about all these college buddies getting back together and finding that friendship and youth that they had lost over the years. It was sorta good. Kinda boring but kinda thought provoking. Then after the movie Eric and I went to Crockett Park and sled down the hill at the ampitheatre. We had a blast! About half of Brentwood was there and every single person had a huge smile on their face. Everyone was having fun...only snow can make this many people happy at the exact same time. As the sun went down this guy who looked like he had been pulled straight from the 1930's came with his camera and little notepad and began taking picutres of everyone having fun and sledding. I later found out that he was from the Brentwood Journal. He was the neatest and coolest looking old man I have ever seen. I wanna be like him when I retire. Wow thats a loooooong way away. hehe

Well, I hope your past two days have been just as way cool as mine have!


P.S. I have a picture of snowit...I just have no where to put it! Do you know any places that I can upload it too? Thanks!

6:49 p.m.
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