
Interview time baby!!!

Yessssssssss! Yes Yes Yes! I got a call today from Laura Hall. She is the one in charge of hiring for Moutain TOP this summer. She called to tell me that I had first choice for what time I wanted to have my interview on the 18th...of January!! Thats really soon!! and I got first choice!!! So, I chose 1:30. That way I am not first and they should be happy since they are coming back from lunch. Yippeee!!!! I really really want this job. I have put all my heart into everything I have had to fill out for them and when I talk to them on the phone I try to be just the nicest and coolest kid they have ever met. I really really really hope all this hardwork pays off because I know that the reward of changing lives this summer is worth more than I could ever put into this application process!!! AHHH!!!! I am so excited!!!!



7:50 p.m.
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