
Toys...I think not!

So it seems alot of people are putting up what they got for Christmas up here. I'll make it easy for everyone to know what I got. Literally, I got clothes. Thats it. Clothes out the wazzoo. Its like people thought I walked around naked or something because everyone gave me clothes. I didn't get a single new toy or gizmo or movie or gadget. I got ALL clothes, except for a gift certificate to CompUSA from my brother. That was definetly my favorite gift! Today I went window shopping at CompUSA just because I could. YAY! My only non clothes gift gave me such joy!

My mouth is getting better I think. Its good and then it hurts and then it feels fine. One giant roller coaster ride.

This Christmas has been rather bitter sweet. I feel like I connected on a whole new level with the meaning of Christmas. I went to the service in the barn at my church and it was amazing. On the other hand the gifts I got this year minus the gift certificate were pretty bad. I guess I am grateful for the two pairs of pj bottoms that I got, even though I didn't get any pj tops and I already own two pairs of pjs?!

I sound like such an ungrateful kid and I really don't wanna come across that way. I love everything I got and if a freak ice age hits the earth then I can gaurantee you that I will be the warmest kid on the block! Besides, I connected with the spirit of christmas like no other and thats what really counts.:-)

Merry Christmas!!!


2:34 p.m.
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