

Well I had quite the fun weekend. It sounds like everyone froze there butts off on Friday. I'm very sorry. You all should have come to Model UN, then you would have had fun and you would have been warm!

So I hear we won the football game! YAY!! My mom said that the school is getting the niiiiiice busses with TVs and taking kids down to Germantown for the next game for $25. Hey, maybe Nats wasn't my last bus trip after all.

Model UN taught me something. A majority of the masses are easily decieved. Everything in life seems to be completely about perspective and that scares me. Very few people at Model UN could think for themselves. Everyone seemed to be very easily persuaded to think exactly what you wanted them to think. Granted, I would consider myself a slightly above average speaker, but above average to the point that they all did what I said?! I think not. I think none of the people there had brains.

I also figured something else out while I was at Model UN. I enjoy to people watch. I would get soo bored that I would just sit there and watch to see what people did. Some kids were completely random in their actions. Others, however, were scarily predictable. People never cease to amaze me. I guess thats why I never cease to amaze myself in how confusing I am and all that junk.

I am definetly the kind of person who does not get along through life alone. I never have been that kind of person. For instance when no friends could come over I would just die knowing that I had to entertain myself with things to do. Thankfully the car has made loneliness more bearable by alowing me to go to the library and such. Still though, I am a people person and love the company of others.

I was really hoping that my Lord of the Rings cd would be in when I got back from Model UN. I sure hope it comes in tomorrow. I can't wait much longer.

This was a long entry! I easily could have said more, but my fingers are getting tired. I really missed those people that I always talk to this weekend. I couldn't really carry on a decent conversation with my fellow Lybian (my country at UN) countrymen seeing as how all they could talk about was Model UN. :-) Good day all!


5:48 p.m.
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