
Smile you've got French's

Notes Notes Notes...leave notes guys. Talk back, make it interactive. Have fun!

So I am dead tired today. I went on a church retreat all weekend and got no sleep. You read it...NO SLEEP! Gotta love the no sleep thing, especially when you know you are going to stay up late doing homework and chatting all week and then waking up at 6:15 to go to school. Yippee this week is gonna be fun!

So ya. First football game was last night. I must say I and a few others sure know how to make things interesting. But I said sorry non the less, yet all he did was smile. I like to smile. Sometimes I just can't stop. I guess thats a good thing. You only live once and you never know when that might end so I say why not smile your way through it!


11:58 a.m.
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