
Christmas Eve Eve

The "BIG DAY" is drawing oh so near! I can't wait to see what goodies await me under the tree!

Lets see, yesterday was oh so awesome. I continued what seems to be becoming a holiday trend of hanging out with those I haven't seen in a long time. I saw Amy Haywood (who I hadn't seen since the millions of times I bumped into her at Maryland Farms over the summer with Jenna), Amy and Laura Hines (which I hadn't seen in like a year and a half I think), Heather (which I hadn't seen since our random meeting on the 4th of July in the middle of a soccer field), and Steven (k, I lied on this guy...I see him alot). We all went out to dinner and then we went and saw Phantom of the Opera. I can't say I loved it for two reasons. Don't get me wrong, it was a great was just LONG and the Christine only sang in one octave and that was the octave that is just barely below the point where only dogs can hear. Past those two points the movie was awesome. By the way, Christine is a beautiful name...if I have a daughter I might just name her Christine.

Today the trend continued with the random hanging out and I spent the day with David Doria and his dad's printing press. Steven was there too, but well, we have already covered him. The best part about hanging out with David Doria was that his dad paid me $50 for doing some work around the shop. Looks like I can afford to get someone in the family a christmas present now! *Only joking, Only Joking...please don't hurt me with the cheap jokes* :)

Hmm, what else do I have to share with Dland tonight? Thats all I can think of. To the Jennas, Rachels, Kumatzs out there...where ya'll been? I haven't really seen any of you this break... :(

In Iceland right now its Christmas Happy Chrismtas Eve all!


9:34 p.m.
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