
DLand and its foggy future

I started this spot with the purpose of sharing my life and recording it for all of time. It felt good to just write things out. It was soothing and made me feel good. Now, though, times have changed. The things that are happening to me here and now aren't the same as what they used to be. In reality I am not the same person I used to be. For starters I am done with band (well not quite, there is the IU game and then maybe some bowl action). I don't know about anyone else, but to me this is a BIG deal. It signifies the end of a previous life that I used to live. Ok, so that sounds way more dramatic than I meant for it too, but I think you just might get the point. I don't do the same things I used to. I am not a member of the same groups I used to be a part of. I have moved on and in a sense formed a new identity. People don't know me because of band up here. :) I fly through life solo now-a-days. I can't say I have any "really close friends", but thats not something I stress over. I am who I am and eventually people will just pop up and become my true friends. They always have. I can remember losing my best friend in middle school because he moved away. I was devastated. Then came high school and I went through freshman year with pretty much no one. Eventually though people started popping up and by senior year I had the greatest circle of friends anyone could ever ask for. College I imagine is going to wrok itself out in much the same way.

So yeah, dland was and in some form still is amazing. What purpose it holds in my life now I am not sure. I'll keep updating, but with what is the question. The person I was and the person I am are constantly growing farther apart. Where dland fits in the future is a mystery...


P.S. Take my quiz and se how well you really know me. :p

2:38 p.m.
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