
Work now?

Houston, we have LOFTAGE!!

Ahh, there is so much space in the room now that my bed is hanging from the ceiling. :)

So band camp is still going on. Today is the last day. Cuts were made yesterday morning and now we have just been working our tails off on learning pre-game, which is all new this year. :( I can't say I could really stand much more band. I am already ready for some quality free time. I wish I could say I got free time tomorrow, but alas the meetings have begun. Starting at 1:00 I will be in meetings until 9:30 at night. All this working and no playing better pay off one day with one sweet ass high paying job that I absolutely love! Cause if I love it...then it isn't a job. Work now, play later?


12:03 p.m.
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