
A Little Update

It seems to be the in thing to do right now so I shall update also.

Last weekend was a guys weekend. Dad, Eric, and I did our own thing. First we went paintballing on Saturday. My first time and certainly not my last. It was freakin awesome! Then on Sunday we went to a water park in Atlanta and had a blast. A 70 foot vertical drop water slide. Boo yahhhhhh. Finally we finished Monday off with a trip to Six Flags Over Georgia. They have some sweet rides there. We rode every roller coaster they had at least twice and rode in the very front seat at least once. Lets just say we had some crazy crazy amounts of fun. It was a testosterone and adrenaline weekend. No girls allowed. :)

Then I went boating with Andrea , Weg, and Brian on Tuesday. Andrea is just one of the guys. That kid is nuts out there in the water! Needless to say we had a blast. We even went and hung out on Andreas sail boat that night. Pretty dang cool. Andrea is quite the sailor. She filled me in on her life to date and it was very interesting. People are just so cool and so different. I love it.

So after the boat the doctor mini-marathon began. It was the eye doctors on Wednesday and the Dentist on Thursday. I go to the eye doctors and he says "Congrats Jason, nothing are still blind and see things way fuzzier than my average patient." The Dentist had a different message.

"Ahh, thats definitely a cavity you got there son. When can you come in to get it filled?"

"Oooh, I leave tomorrow for college...."

"Ok, how does in an hour sound?"

"Argh, yeah ok that'll do."

I walk out frowning and come back in an hour for some good ol fashion tooth drilling and filling. Talk about going out with a bang. Arrrrrrrrr

So now I am sitting here in my dorm room simply enjoying some serious levels of freedom. Whats that? No Parents? *sigh of relief*

Have a good one...hope to hear your stories! (Yes you, the one in the chair staring at the monitor)


11:12 p.m.
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