

Its funny how I actually enjoy doing work. I would much rather DO something than just sit here. You see, my manager sent me an email that told me to sit tight and not schedule anymore training calls because I was going to be working on another new project. So basically right now as I type this I am getting paid to do nothing. No, no, I am getting paid to post a DLand entry. I know that the average American would probably do anything to get paid $7.50 an hour to sit on their butt and post a DLand entry, but I on the other hand would much rather be doing some work. Time goes faster when you are working on a project. Sitting here in my little corporate america rolly chair doing nothing seems to put time at a stand still.

Also, last night was very awesome and much needed. Its amazing how much I still have to learn. In fact I don't think I will ever stop learning. I'll just keep growing.

I wanna know what the secret is to my mom and dad. They were practically neighbors growing up and have known each other since sixth grade and they STILL love each other so incredibly much! It amazes me. I just hope and pray that I can be like that when I am their age. I figure that as long as I can keep an open mind and am always willing to change and grow then I am on the right path. Who knows though, only time will tell.

Ahh, and a new call list has landed on my desk. Time to get back to calling strangers! Have a great one everybody!!


9:37 a.m.
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