
The Fam

Sometimes I wonder. This week I have got a bunch of just random compliments that were very unexpected. At work a lady stopped in and just looked at me. So naturally I smiled and said hi. She then said, oh hi...I was just trying to put a face with the voice that always carries a smile. She said she was the first person she had ever heard where she could actually feel a smile by just hearing me. So that was a really really cool and really really random compliment.

Then yesterday at the Wey's ReWedding a lady from church stopped me and asked me how I was doing. She then told me that I was the nicest kid she had ever met and that I should really consider doing something that involves being in the public eye. She said I would be the only person she knows who could actually handle the pressure and not break their values. So that was another random an actually a bit odd compliment.

Naturally though, I sort of put them aside and tried not to take them to heart too much. I mean its nice to get compliments but I never ever ever ever want to get some mocho ego. I wanna be humble and just mind my own business and keep trying to be the best I can.

Anyway though, the reason I bring these compliments up is because last night my mom goes off and tells me that I am selfish and she is embarassed if "someone with an attidue like mine is her child." So then I defended myself and she started asking dad stuff and he deflected like every question and left. So that was dad's way of agreeing with me and mom just about exploded all over the place. I just walked upstairs and mom yelled for me to get downstairs. I heard her, but I also heard dad say that I couldn't hear her because I had gone upstairs so I just ignored her. Amazingly, mom sort of dropped it after that. So I went to bed mad and I am sure mom did too.

The Day After Tomorrow is a cool action movie, but that is all it has going for it. It was entertaining while it lasted...


10:24 p.m.
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