
Feel = Same

Right now I am sitting at....a Macintosh....*GASP* I know, I know. This thing is SO confusing. I am learning though. One stupid button at a time. it took me five minutes just to get the cd-rom door to open. Turns out there is a button on the keyboard that does it. There is even a sticker right above the button that tells the user "PUSH ME TO EJECT". So now this user friendly has just insulted the user. Or maybe this user is just retarded. :)

Lisa is filling me in on all the prom "___ is asking ____" and "___ doesn't want to go with ____, but who ____ wants to go with doesn't want to go with them either." I miss all this crap. It always made me laugh. Oh man this is so funny.

So in a sense I guess last nights entry still stands. Usually after those retarded entries I wake up in the morning feeling like a moron for writing such stupidities, but while it may be stupid what I typed, I still feel the same.

I'm going to go reward myself for all the hardwork and suffering I went through on this Mac. I have most definitely earned it! (stupid fweakin eject button!)...


11:06 p.m.
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