
Snow Snow

So lets see. Today Aimee and I discovered that laughing was good exercise. Using this new found knowledge we came to the conclusion that when we are 40 and round we will not feel guilty in the least. Thats because it won't be our fault. Nope, instead we will be able to turn to our significant others and say "Look at this! Look at this! You see this flub. If you had been funnier this never would have happened."

Today in my English class we basically talked about sex the whole period. Rather interesting. Who holds the key to sex? Basically we all desided Madonna does. Not guys, not girls, but Madonna. Yeahhhhhhh, I am in standard English. We need some supernatural intervention to help that class out.

Hmmm, according to there should be 4-7 inches on the ground by Friday. Ahhhhhhhh, I hope heaven is like this.

Today I was as excited as....its late and I can't think of a good analogy, think very excited. Why was I so excited? I got to see someones senior pictures....Rachel looks goooooooooooood (in funny Rachel voice).

Goodnight all...I am off to dream white snowy dreams!


P.S. If is wrong I am gonna beat the living snot out of that webpage. I dunno how I will beat up a webpage, but I'll do it by George.

1:36 a.m.
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