
Long Goodness

What on earth did I do today? I gave a speech for ten minutes on motivation. I really felt like it was a little practice for my real job later in life. After class a really cute girl came up to me and said I was a really really good speaker. I very humbly told her thank you and that I try my best. She smiled and walked away. Ahhhh, a girl finally noticed me. I was beginning to wonder if I wasn't a very likeable person!

What else did I do? Laundry...laundry....laundry. Five loads to be exact! The seasons changed here so I had shorts, jeans, and the everything in between. If that exists.

Was that it? No, no, no, I also practiced my butt off on some Billy Joel. The music is pretty hard. Its 9 min of basically E's and above the staff G's. Funnnnnnnnnnn. If I was a kisser I would imagine I would be terrible after playing that long. My lips felt like Jello and the size of two watermelons.

I think I am beginning to develop Homerclese Syndrome. Every night at 6:30 in the dining hall its....{insert jingle} The Simpsons {jingle ends}. Yeah so it is really really funny. I can't really figure out why my mom hated that show so much. Its really not that bad. Its just funny. Speaking of funny. Everybody Loves Raymond is funny! I want to have a family like him.

Speaking of family, if and when I have kids and if and when they choose a career, if they choose guidance counselor or even use the word guidance or counselor in their career choice, just go ahead and call me a failure as a father. If I have to deal with one more freakin A retarded guidance counselor I am going to go postal right in front of them. For a visual reference it will be like this..............K2389U45OIU 2UJHSADFJH 892U809FKJSADJH Y8 189Y%^&*(*)@#$&*#@)kjffjkfufj89282487*(&@#$&*()@$#*(jhHJKSDFH Hjkf*&%$)(*@#kHJDSFHJ09U234908fdssfjkfjk#w$*(&w*&%90353YUIOhkhusf*)(&#$UHHJDSF789534HJAF789 ............................................................. It will be nasty thats for sure.

Oh, the band decided to do the Billy Joel show at Indy. The drill will look stupid compared to everyone elses, but at least the music is sweet!

I love how there is so much I should be doing, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Steven and I just keep plugging away at this band program. So far competitions are basically up and running and rehearsals are coming along. Balance is a real issue in rehearsals so we are currently working to fix that problem.

Ok I am ready for Thanksgiving Break. Its time to go home and see everyone. I am slipping back into that really missing people phase. It comes and goes. Its always there, but how strong changes. Lately, I just miss hanging out with you guys back home. Steven has paired himself up with Becky and Gersh is going out with Lailah. I am just left in the dust while the four of them have fun. Thanks guys.

To all a goodnight...


P.S. I just made my schedule for next semester. Holy crap, if I get the times I have requested, my schedule is gonna rock! No earlier than 12:30 almost everyday!!!!!

P.S.S. I apologize in advance for what is probably a plethora of mistakes. Its 1:00 in the morning and I am quite tired.

1:02 a.m.
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