
Oops, wasn't supposed to make that turn :p

I could have told you two days ago. I told some yesterday and I was confirmed today. Time...sure, why not. There is so little of it anyway. I might as well make the most of what I have been given. You never know when the sand will stop falling. My stupid stupid brain and my silly emotions. I think I will just throw them away and get some new ones. I need a clear understanding of what I am supposed to do. Mad? No. Sad? Yes. Wish things were easier? You bet.

Please excuse me, Carrie is going call. We are going to try to meet up in Michigan. I wonder how she is doing? I think she had a crush on me a long time ago. She e-mailed me yesterday out of the blue. It made me super happy.

I'm not going to say what I am thinking. It might offend someone.


4:16 p.m.
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