
Another Dland Entry

Last night I watched the end of Tuck Everlasting...if you ever think you have bought or rented a copied movie just call 1-800-NO-COPYS. Then after that I went and walked in the snow with Rachel and then next thing I know I am involved in a massive snow ball fight and I am trying to hit a little spot on a tree. I have no aim and I never actually hit it. Oh, and now my yard is littered with these snowballs. Its pretty funny looking.

I can sum today up in one word, nothing. That is exactly what I have done. I got my haircut and that was it. I feel so stupid now when I look in the mirror. I hate haircuts. I really really hate them.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting seeing as how we have barely gone to school this nine weeks. I just knwo Mrs. Goldfarb is going to throw a fit and whine about how we have had no school. Mr. Box on the other hand isn't going to whine. He is just gonna throw a temper tantrum on his little square that he stands on. Oh well.

On Wednesday I get to see a play and on Thurday I leave for TechFest. Dang my life is good! Oh and we have no school next Monday!

Have a good night world...


5:36 p.m.
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